Saturday, May 14, 2011

Slideshow: Five Years of ATP's Environmental Education Program

By Alla Berberyan

Environmental education is one of ATP’s core programs to prepare the nation’s youth to become the next generation of environmental stewards. Every year, ATP hosts hundreds of children and youth at its Michael and Virginia Ohanian Environmental Education Center at Karin Nursery--often along with their parents and teachers--to take part in interactive environmental lessons and hands-on activities.

During their visits, guests take an educational tour accompanied by nursery specialists who give them an interesting and complete explanation of each and every tree and plant. Children often give environmental performances in Karin and present the environmental activities that they conduct in their schools.

ATP’s education program integrates environmental themes and practical activities throughout the schools in all of Armenia’s regions, thus raising the environmental consciousness and responsibility of the population. Already more than 1,000 teachers have been trained to use ATP’s Plant an Idea, Plant a Tree manual in their classroom.

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